

虹色橋 Rainbow Bridge

藝術家│水內貴英 Takahide Mizuuchi


Born in 1979, studied at Musashino Art University’s College of Art and Design Oil Painting Department. In 2001, Takahide Mizuuchi became more active in the art field, showcasing work in various mediums, with various forms of audience participation. Through exploring different media and audience interaction, he reestablished the relationship between man and art, and also between people. Takahide Mizuuchi has particularly deep ties to the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale of Japan. Since the second Triennale in 2003, he has exhibited new works almost every year in the Niigata region. Rainbow Snake received much positive feedback from visitors and residents alike after its release at the 2009 Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale.

The artist has created a rainbow installation with the theme of the “forest” and “rainbow”. A water hose is connected to a support structure, and the hose fitted with a rainbow drip spray head. When water is sprayed, it forms a water screen on which the audience can appreciate the beauty of a rainbow if there is sufficient sunlight hitting the installation.


