

OneRepublic - Good Life

Good Life      美好人生

Woke up in London yesterday      昨天在倫敦醒來
Found myself in the city near Piccadilly     我怎麼會在Piccadilly旁的城裡?
Don't really know how I got here      不曉得怎麼過來的
I got some pictures on my phone      手機裡有一些莫名的照片

New names and numbers that I don't know     還有沒看過的姓名和號碼
Address to places like Abbey Road     也有到Abbey路的住址
Day turns to night, night turns to whatever we want     日以繼夜,夜夜笙歌
We're young enough to say      我們還年輕啊

Oh this has gotta be the good life      這一定會是美好人生
This has gotta be the good life      一定會很棒
This could really be a good life, good life      人生一定會很美好

Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight     你無法抗拒這種感覺
Like this city is on fire tonight      就像整個城市在熱情燃燒
This could really be a good life     這一定會是很棒的人生
A good, good life      很棒,很棒的人生

To my friends in New York, I say hello      跟紐約的朋友說聲哈囉
My friends in L.A. they don't know     住在洛杉磯的朋友們
Where I've been for the past few years or so     他們不知道我過去到底
Paris to China to Col-or-ado      去了巴黎中國還是科羅拉多

Sometimes there's airplanes I can' t jump out      有時候真的很想跳機
Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now     還有狗屁不通的廢話
We are god of stories but please tell me-e-e-e     我們主宰我們的人生
What there is to complain about        幹麼還要抱怨呢

When you're happy like a fool     如果你像傻瓜開心的笑
Let it take you over     那就開心的大笑吧
When everything is out     把不可能
You gotta take it in      變成可能

Hopelessly     沒辦法
I feel like there might be something that I'll miss     我還是覺得會錯過一些事情
Hopelessly     沒辦法
I feel like the window closes oh so quick      我還是覺得上帝把窗關上得太快
Hopelessly     沒辦法
I'm taking a mental picture of you now     我現在又在腦海想著你的模樣
'Cuz hopelessly     因為沒辦法
The hope is we have so much to feel good about     正是抱著希望生命才會美好

Oh this has gotta be the good life      這一定會是美好人生
This has gotta be the good life      一定會很棒
This could really be a good life, good life      人生一定會很美好

Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight     你無法抗拒這種感覺
Like this city is on fire tonight      就像整個城市在熱情燃燒
This could really be a good life     這一定會是很棒的人生
A good, good life      很棒,很棒的人生

Oh this has gotta be the good life      這一定會是美好人生
This has gotta be the good life      一定會很棒
This could really be a good life, good life      人生一定會很美好

Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight     你無法抗拒這種感覺
Like this city is on fire tonight      就像整個城市在熱情燃燒
This could really be a good life     這一定會是很棒的人生
A good, good life      很棒,很棒的人生

